ESG factors
Integrating ESG factors into one’s business or professional activity requires careful assessment and strategic advice on what environmental and social sustainability objectives to pursue (UN SDG goals) and, above all, how to communicate them with the proper legal wording. This is in order to avoid unfair practices of “greenwashing”. The Firm, thanks to twenty years of experience in the field of environmental law, is able to accompany corporations or SME in the process of transformation towards sustainability.

The Firm provides advice and assistance in the various sectors related to the environment: waste management, renewable energy, air, water, soil, subsoil pollution, noise and electromagnetic pollution, reclamation of areas and sites, management of hazardous substances, EIA, SEA and AIA.
Strong competence in the analysis of environmental risks in the phase of corporate acquisitions, in the evaluation and risks deriving from the performance of certain industrial activities, but also in consulting on how to transform the environmental component into a strategic resource for the growth of its business (Benefit Corporations, ESG factors, SDG goals).

Public procurement and project financing
Legal assistance is provided in the field of public works contracts, supplies and services in all phases of the tender, from participation to the stipulation of contracts resulting from the adjudication and the management of the executive phases. Assistance is also provided in the evaluation of public works through “project financing”.
The Firm has allowed to stay in judicial disputes related to public contract matters also before the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC).

Cultural heritage
Italy holds the largest number of assets with significant historical and artistic value. Such assets can be an asset for both the public and private sectors.
The Firm offers legal assistance and advice to public and private individuals who have to manage, protect or sell a cultural asset through the preparation of any act necessary for these purposes (technical, financial or mixed sponsorship contracts; administrative authorizations, etc.)

The establishment on the territory of a commercial mall of medium or large structure requires the performance of an appropriate administrative procedure, which evaluates not only the aspects related to the discipline of trade, but also of urban planning.
The Firm offers legal assistance aimed at the establishment or expansion of commercial malls, shopping centers, “entertainment centers”, with particular reference to issues related to commercial authorizations and any environmental impact assessment procedures.

The Firm, thanks above all to its experience in the field of administrative litigation, is able to offer its professional assistance in judicial disputes at any level of judgment (Regional Administrative Courts, Civil Courts, Council of State and Court of Cassazione), through the preparation of appeals, summons and any other act necessary for the procedural defense.
Particular experience has also been gained in appeals before the European Courts (Court of Strasbourg and Luxembourg) and in the preparation of complaint procedures to the European Commission.

Construction and urban planning
The Firm provides legal support to real estate development projects with particular reference to the problems related to the acquisition of urban and building enabling acts, environmental and landscape authorizations, reclamation obligations, etc. Assistance is also provided in the stipulation of urban planning agreements. The experience gained allows the Firm to carry out “due diligence” of specific real estate assets, verifying compliance with regulations and the possibilities of transformation and development.