Greenwashing. Legal Principles – Unfair Commercial Practices – Directive 2024/825
Publisher: Pacini Giuridica (italian language)
EU Directive 2024/825 changes the rules of green marketing
Say goodbye to vague terms like “eco-friendly” and “zero impact”. The EU’s new Directive cracks down on greenwashing, requiring companies to communicate their environmental performance in a clear and verifiable way.
The book is a guide to help professionals, managers, and communication experts navigate the new rules and understand the legal implications of greenwashing. Learn how to embrace sustainability and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Polis Maker for quality of living and sustainable urban development
Publisher: Maggioli Editore (Italian language), 2021
The book is aimed at evaluating the holistic approach in the processes of urban transformation with particular attention to the quality of life.
Within the book the contribution of Elisabetta Cicigoi “The historical and artistic heritage as a lever for the revival of new circular economic models” wants to highlight the fundamental role of the historical, artistic and cultural heritage in the development of cities.

Encyclopedia of Local Authorities. Volume IV – Environment – Pollution – Responsibility.
Publisher: Giuffrè, 2009 (Italian language)
The Encyclopedia of Local Authorities collects the essential topics concerning environmental issues and organized in thematic volumes and in alphabetical order. Each “voice” is articulated according to a scheme, ranging from the relevant laws to Practical Cases, solved in the light of Jurisprudence and integrated by the opinions of the Doctrine.
“The section on Electromagnetic pollution was written by Elisabetta Cicigoi”
Greenhouse gas emissions market
Publisher: Il Mulino, 2007 (Italian language)
The terms ‘Kyoto Protocol’ and ‘CO2 allowances’ are now being used more and more frequently. It remains to be clarified what these allowances actually are for our legal system and what their impact is on the economic system. The volume aims to analyze these issues.
Allowances allocation mechanisms and their impact on relations between public administration and private companies are examined. The legislation on “emission trading” has led to the birth of a new legal asset and a new corporate economic value. And it is precisely this new asset that companies must take into account when they implement their strategic choices for a sustainable development.

Electromagnetic pollution
Publisher: Giuffrè, 2002 (Italian language)
The increasing impact of electromagnetic fields in the environment, in the workplace, in homes, has given rise to new and complex problems, related to safety and health. Public authorities have to solve these problems. The state and regional laws governing these issues are complex, not well coordinated, and jurisprudence itself has often expressed discordant opinions.
The present work, written by qualified experts in the field, analyzes with a clear and understandable style the various hypotheses that may arise. Consider, for example, telecommunications installations, mobile telephony, complex control procedures, etc. ; and for each of these hypotheses a reasoned solution is provided. The work, supplemented by models of agreements between local authorities and telephone service providers, is therefore useful and necessary for all those who – within local authorities – must deal with electromagnetic pollution.